Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Question on Obama's Speach

1. Parents in the United States have had mixed opinions about President Obama speaking to students all across the nation today. Do you think that it is a positive or negative thing? Why?
I think that Obama's opinion is possitve 100%.I agree on what Obama said. I say his opinion is possitive becuase, for me the worst thing is giving up. You have to achivIe your goals in life. You have to work very hard for what you really want. For me the worst, worst thing is giving up. I know that I get tierd of school and I sometimes say I hate it, but I know there are kids in the street that are wishing to go to school but their parents don't have money, so I stop saying that. School is a place to learn, everything you learn in class will help you with your future. You need school to learn and put a lot of effort in it and then suceed in life.

2. What is the purpose of President Obama's speech?
Obama wanted to give a massage to all the students big and small. His purpose was to teach all the students the importance of the school and the importance of the learning. He wanted to teah the students that they have to go to school because with all they learn in school they are going to succed. Obama was a poor person but he put soooo much effort he succeded in life and know he is The USA President.

3. What impact does the speech have on you?
Obama's speahc impact me very muce. He gave me a beautiful message. I know whine too much about school and school work, but I am going to try to not whine anymore because Obama tought me the importance of the school. I never ever give up because I hate that and I know that if I keep putting a lot of effort in my work I am going to succed in life, and I will never quit school because I want to have an important and a good Job in the future. Obama's speach was a very good speach and I learned a lot!