Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I want to start school at 8:30

C.I.C is a great school, but like all the other schools it starts to early in my opinion. My school starts at 7:30 and for me that is too early because I have to wake-up at 6: or 6:15. I want school to start at 8:30 because I can wake-up later, and I would be happier.I wouldn't be tired at school and I would be in a better mood.

If we change the time to arrive to school everyone would be in a better mood and happier. The teachers would teach us better and in a very good mood. If we start school at 8:30 we wont be tired and when we get home we will do our homework without being sleepy.

I want all the students to start school at 8:30. A good time to arrive to school is at 8:15. I want to wake-up later in the morning. I want all students to be in a better mood. This schedule arrangement can be done for maximum August when we start school again. This is my dream for all the students of C.I.C.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Article about Koalas

Koalas are cute and have a fluffy fur. They come from Australia. Most of the people get attracted by them because they are small and very cute. The majority of the people don't think the Koala is an interesting animal because they think the only thing they do is chew leaves, sit, sleep most of the time, and not do much. But the Koala is a very interesting animal and it is very complex. The Koalas are getting extinct in some areas of Australia because they are killed for their fur, and also humans burn the trees and Koalas need the Eucalyptus tree to live. They get injured by the fire. Also one problem is the climate. Because in hot weather the leaves falls and the Koalas need to eat the Eucalyptus's leaves, that is the only thing they eat. Some people are trying to help the Koalas with the climate change thing but they always hide so it is difficult. This is a small summary of an article i read about Koalas. I chose to read an article about koalas because I think they are very interesting and I love them!

Article about Koalas

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Technology and Humanities

This blog is very useful for this class because this page makes our class fun instead of sitting down writing all the time. Its going to change our class because now we are going to be investigating this page and we will write in it and all the world can read it. We are not going to be bored any more.Also some teachers around the world can read our blog and learn some more of what do we do in humanities, and if they like the idea they can teach their class some of what they read!I wish we could watch more videos of things that are happening in the world. I wish people around the world read this and comment in my work and my opinions!!!♥♪