Sunday, March 22, 2009

Please Help UN

Sudan needs help from the UN right now. I think it is completely unfair that the Sudan's president is helping the Hurders with weapons, money, etc. and it is not helping the farmers. First of all we need your help to stop the fighting and stay in peace, and second of all we need the Sudan's president to know he is being an unfair president. We all say that fighting is not a good way to come to a resolution, bu we all know that now a days there is always violence. The Sudan's president can't take sides, and he has to figure out a way were the Farmers and Hurders are happy. You all (UN) are peace keepers and we need your help to solve this problem and to let know the Sudan's he is doing the wrong thing of taking sides. I am very sad of what is happening around the world, with all the violence and we need the UN's help to solve this and stop the killing, and genocide. Genocide is horrible, please help us!

From : Camila Rosales
PS: We need your help urgently!

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