Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Question on Obama's Speach

1. Parents in the United States have had mixed opinions about President Obama speaking to students all across the nation today. Do you think that it is a positive or negative thing? Why?
I think that Obama's opinion is possitve 100%.I agree on what Obama said. I say his opinion is possitive becuase, for me the worst thing is giving up. You have to achivIe your goals in life. You have to work very hard for what you really want. For me the worst, worst thing is giving up. I know that I get tierd of school and I sometimes say I hate it, but I know there are kids in the street that are wishing to go to school but their parents don't have money, so I stop saying that. School is a place to learn, everything you learn in class will help you with your future. You need school to learn and put a lot of effort in it and then suceed in life.

2. What is the purpose of President Obama's speech?
Obama wanted to give a massage to all the students big and small. His purpose was to teach all the students the importance of the school and the importance of the learning. He wanted to teah the students that they have to go to school because with all they learn in school they are going to succed. Obama was a poor person but he put soooo much effort he succeded in life and know he is The USA President.

3. What impact does the speech have on you?
Obama's speahc impact me very muce. He gave me a beautiful message. I know whine too much about school and school work, but I am going to try to not whine anymore because Obama tought me the importance of the school. I never ever give up because I hate that and I know that if I keep putting a lot of effort in my work I am going to succed in life, and I will never quit school because I want to have an important and a good Job in the future. Obama's speach was a very good speach and I learned a lot!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Compering Economies Guiding Questions

1. How can the presence or absence of natural resources and arable land affect a nation’s economy, regardless of the type of economic system? With the presence of natural resources and arable land the economy increases. And without the presence of natural resources and arable land the economy would decrease.

2. How can life expectancy and literacy rates affect the quality of labor in the economy? If a person does not know how to read or write their life expectancy won’t be that long. Because they need a job and they would have to read and write to have a job, so they will have a work were they won’t be good paid, so they won’t have a lot of food, they won’t have a nice apartment and they won’t have a nice car, especially the food they won’t have very healthy food!

3. How can GDP per capita and poverty rates indicate standards of living in each system? If there is a high GDP per capita and a low rate of poverty there is high standard of living. And if there is a low GDP per capita and a high rate of poverty there is a low standard of living.

4. How can the size of the industrial/service sector and the agriculture employment rate indicate the level of industrialization? If there are many people working in industrial and there are few people working in agriculture there is a high level of industrialization, and if there are many people working in agriculture (crops) and a few people working on industries there is a low level of industrialization.

5. How can electricity, communication, and transportation facilities indicate the potential for industrial growth? Good facilities indicate that the country is making a lot of money so that country should means of transportation, good communication, and transportation.

6. Considering the lack of natural resources, the labor problems, and the lack of capital and little industrialization of developing countries, how can developing countries develop? (Hint: Look at Economy - Overview for Chad). The developed countries can invest the undeveloped countries. Chad is a very poor and undeveloped country, but if you see North Korea and USA they are rich, developed and powerful countries that can help undeveloped countries such as Chad and much more.


globalizationMarket-oriented and command nations tend to place different priorities on the role of government in the economy, with the government sector generally playing a larger role in command nations. Given their resources, market-oriented and command nations can choose to focus on increased industrialization and expansion into new markets. Developing nations, however, often lack resources necessary for industrialization and must seek aid or investment from industrialized economies in order to grow. With increased globalization, we are becoming more acutely aware of the interdependence of all nations in our world economy. (Help)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

What do I think about the movie...

I did not understand very much the movie. I think it is complicated because It talks about a lot of things. Like about taxes, then about a store, then about unfair things for workers, and then about cows. I understanded some things such as the unfair things for workers and the cows things. Well the workers were forced to work 15 hours and the store was called sweat store and they had all the windows closed and the door closed and everything was closed so they could not go out, and there is one case that in a sweat store there was fire in the building and the workers of the sweat store could not go out because everything was closed. What I understated about the cows was that they were putting some kind of drog to the cows so they produce more milk, and also that in the meat of cows that we eat we are eating some of their hormones. This is what I understanded, in my opinion it was a little complicated the movie.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Introduction to Globalization

  1. What do most people think globalization is? Most people think that globalization is buy cheep goods from other countries.
  2. What is the real definition of globalization? Making cheep products and selling them all around the world.
  3. How is "Bhangra pop" in India and example of globalization? Sounds like Jamaican reggae played on traditional Indian instruments, then amplified.
  4. What is positive or good about globalization? I like that I have a variety of food to pick on, just like Mc Donald's, Italian food, sushi, etc.
  5. What is negative about globalization? People are loosing their culture because they are being influenced by other countries.
  6. What are indigenous people? Groups that stay in a specific area and have an specific culture.
  7. What do linguists estimate is happening every two weeks due to globalization? A language dies.
  8. How did the images make you feel? I felt very sad about about this people because they are poor and I also felt curious about some of this cultures and believes.
  9. What did the photographs teach you about indigenous people and/or globalization? Indigenous people eat tropical things such as fruits so they don't really participate in globalization.
  10. In your opinion is globalization a good thing or a bad thing? Or some combination of the two? Explain. I think it is combination of good and bad because, I love to have a lot of options of what to eat and it that is not necessarily from my country. But it is bad because some countries are loosing their culture because they are being influenced by others. But I wouldn't like to not have all this restaurants to pick on.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Please Help UN

Sudan needs help from the UN right now. I think it is completely unfair that the Sudan's president is helping the Hurders with weapons, money, etc. and it is not helping the farmers. First of all we need your help to stop the fighting and stay in peace, and second of all we need the Sudan's president to know he is being an unfair president. We all say that fighting is not a good way to come to a resolution, bu we all know that now a days there is always violence. The Sudan's president can't take sides, and he has to figure out a way were the Farmers and Hurders are happy. You all (UN) are peace keepers and we need your help to solve this problem and to let know the Sudan's he is doing the wrong thing of taking sides. I am very sad of what is happening around the world, with all the violence and we need the UN's help to solve this and stop the killing, and genocide. Genocide is horrible, please help us!

From : Camila Rosales
PS: We need your help urgently!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Genocide in Sudan

In Sudan two troupes are fighting for a piece of land. The troupes are : Farmers and Hurders. The farmers want to plant fruits in a piece of land but at the same time the Hurders want their animals to stay and run in the piece of land, so they are fighting for it. But the president Omar al-Bashier is supporting the Hurders and he is giving them weapons, money, etc. And they are killing the farmers and also people that are innocent. This problem is very bad, now a days there is no peace in the world, everything is solved with violence! It is unfair that the president is supporting a a troupe and not the other. The resolution is definitely not violence. I feel very sad about this problem and I wish I could help with this problem!

Hotel Rwanda

What are the limitations of the U.N.? They can not shoot unless they are shot first. They can only keep peace. They can't save every one. If the government doesn't let the UN enter they can't. They cant enter a country by force because they wouldn't be peace keepers. They cant kill people that are bad or good, they have to keep there guns down because they have to teach the world keep peace.

Is it the responsibility of the world to stop genocide? It is the responsibility of the world to stop genocide because the people that do the genocide live in this world were you and me live. We all have to help each other and not stay home saying "Oh poor people," because one of those people can be your mom, your friends, your family. We have to stop genocide around the world because the next person that can be killed is you! We are all responsible of what happens around the planet Earth because we live in this planet and we have to help to make this world a better place to live.

JMUN Reflection

What would you do differently next year to prepare? I would like to have a disco or a party so we get to socialize with people that we don't know. It is cool that we meet people in our committee but it would be much cooler to meet people that are not necessarily in our committee. I would have liked to have more time to socialize because we were only discussing about our topic. It would be very cool to have a party, it would make JMUN more fun. I love to dance, so I would have danced with everybody.

What did you like? I liked the fact that we needed to go dressed very formally, I felt big. I liked a lot that I made a lot of friends in my committee, and some were not in my committee. I had the menssangers and facebooks of a lot of people. I liked when we discussed about Cholera because I felt like if we were really trying to solve the problem and we were really going to help. I also liked that I saw friends that I already met before in VANAS. I also liked when we were competing on the resolutions.

What did you dislike? There is not much to say of what I disliked because I liked it. But I got board sometimes because we didn't stop talking. There were sometimes were the Chairs made mistakes on the time we were aloud to go eat, and we went to eat and then they looked for us to go back to the class. We got board sometimes because we spoke of the same thing, and we were sitting down listening and asking questions and the same thing over and over. The rest of the things were cool!

Monday, March 9, 2009


Committee Name: ECOSOC - Commission on sustainable development, human settlements and energy

Issue: Cholera

Country: Bahrain

Delegate: Camila Rosales

School: C.I.C. Caracas

Honorable delegates and distinguished chair: The delegation of Bahrain believes that the topic of Cholera is a very important one to our United Nations assembly. We feel that the problem is very bad and we need to stop Cholera because it affects people around the world. We believe this because:

We have to stop Cholera because it can spread around the world.

These problems need the attention of the United Nations and we have ideas for how we might solve this problem together:

We encourage the creation of a special committee to examine the Cholera issue to create especial machines for medical treatment.

Bahrain looks forward to respectful and meaningful discussions with our fellow JMUN delegates. We invite you to join us in confronting the world’s challenges with a strong spirit of cooperation.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Cholera and Bahrain

Cholera is a disease contracted when you drink or eat food that is contaminated. You get an infection in the intestine and it makes you have a diarrheal illness. This disease was discovered in January, 1991. This illness is affecting right now Zimbabwe. Cholera has affected a lot Zimbabwe because the death rate has risen up to 2,024 people. Cholera, which causes diarrhoea and dehydration, has spread to all of Zimbabwe's ten provinces because of the collapse of health and sanitation systems. This disease has killed a lot of people! Cholera can spread very fast. A daily problem we all can have is drink from dirty water. If we drink from dirty water you can have Cholera and it can kill you. Cholera tends to occur in outbreaks, especially after floods. If you find yourself in an epidemic area be very careful of what you eat and drink. Do not even brush your teeth with local water unless it has been boiled. When you have Cholera you can have: fever, vomit, and diarrhea. We all have to be very careful in our daily lives with what we eat and with what we drink.

Bahrain has shown that they are concerned about Cholera outbreaks. This was clear when Bahrain responded to the Cholera outbreak in Iraq in the following ways. Bahrain is adopting a wait and watch policy to ban certain food products from Iraq following a cholera outbreak there. Health officials confirmed they were monitoring travelers and food products entering the country. They advised all travelers to Iraq to avoid eating uncooked food and wash vegetables before cooking. They believe Cholera is very dangerous to all this people. They are advising their country to be really careful with the food and drinks. Bahrain has lost people with this horrible disease "Cholera".

When a Cholera problem happens again in Zimbabwe everyone knows that Bahrain is going to help Zimbabwe, just like when Bahrain helped Iraq. The ways Bahrain can help Zimbabwe if another Cholera outbreak happens is that Bahrain can give money to Zimbabwe, medicines, doctors, nurses, hospitals, refuges, and machines for operations for people who have Cholera. There are a lot of things Bahrain can help Zimbabwe with, because this two countries are very close together. When Cholera outbreaks happen, it horrible because a lot of people die. This is a disease that needs to end now, because a lot of people die so when Cholera outbreaks happen all the countries need to help with all the things I listed!

What can Bharain do to stop cholera in Zembabwe?

When a Cholera problem happens again in Zimbabwe everyone knows that Bahrain is going to help Zimbabwe, just like when Bahrain helped Iraq. The ways Bahrain can help Zimbabwe if another Cholera outbreak happens is that Bahrain can give money to Zimbabwe, medicines, doctors, nurses, hospitals, refuges, and machines for operations for people who have Cholera. There are a lot of things Bahrain can help Zimbabwe with, because this two countries are very close together. When Cholera outbreaks happen, it horrible because a lot of people die. This is a disease that needs to end now, because a lot of people die so when Cholera outbreaks happen all the countries need to help with all the things I listed!

What is Bahrain's responsablity with Cholrea?

Bahrain has shown that they are concerned about Cholera outbreaks. This was clear when Bahrain responded to the Cholera outbreak in Iraq in the following ways. Bahrain is adopting a wait and watch policy to ban certain food products from Iraq following a cholera outbreak there. Health officials confirmed they were monitoring travelers and food products entering the country. They advised all travelers to Iraq to avoid eating uncooked food and wash vegetables before cooking. They believe Cholera is very dangerous to all this people. They are advising their country to be really careful with the food and drinks. Bahrain has lost people with this horrible disease "Cholera".

Monday, February 2, 2009


Cholera is a disease contracted when you drink or eat food that is contaminated. You get an infection in the intestine and it makes you have a diarrheal illness. This disease was discovered in January, 1991. This illness is now affecting Zimbabwe. Cholera has affected a lot Zimbabwe because the death rate has risen up to 2,024 people. Cholera, which causes diarrhoea and dehydration, has spread to all of Zimbabwe's ten provinces because of the collapse of health and sanitation systems. This disease has killed a lot of people! Cholera can spread very fast. A daily problem we all can have is drink from dirty water. If we drink from dirty water you can have Cholera and it can kill you. Cholera tends to occur in outbreaks, especially after floods. If you find yourself in an epidemic area be very careful of what you eat and drink. Do not even brush your teeth with local water unless it has been boiled. When you have Cholera you can have: fever, vomit, and diarrhea. We all have to be very careful in our daily lives with what we eat and with what we drink.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Cholera is a disease created when you drink or eat food that is contaminated. You get an infection in the intestine and it makes you have a diarrheal illness. This disease was discovered in January, 1991. This illness originally comes from Zimbabwe. Cholera has affected a lot Zimbabwe because the death rate has risen up to 2,024 people. Cholera, which causes diarrhoea and dehydration, has spread to all of Zimbabwe's ten provinces because of the collapse of health and sanitation systems. This disease has killed a lot of people! Cholera can spread very fast. A daily problem we all can have is drink from dirty water. If we drink from dirty water you can have Cholera and it can kill you. Cholera tends to occur in outbreaks, especially after floods. If you find yourself in an epidemic area be very careful of what you eat and drink. Do not even brush your teeth with local water unless it has been boiled. When you have Cholera you can have: fever, vomit, and diarrhea. We all have to be very careful in our daily lives with what we eat and with what we drink.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I want to start school at 8:30

C.I.C is a great school, but like all the other schools it starts to early in my opinion. My school starts at 7:30 and for me that is too early because I have to wake-up at 6: or 6:15. I want school to start at 8:30 because I can wake-up later, and I would be happier.I wouldn't be tired at school and I would be in a better mood.

If we change the time to arrive to school everyone would be in a better mood and happier. The teachers would teach us better and in a very good mood. If we start school at 8:30 we wont be tired and when we get home we will do our homework without being sleepy.

I want all the students to start school at 8:30. A good time to arrive to school is at 8:15. I want to wake-up later in the morning. I want all students to be in a better mood. This schedule arrangement can be done for maximum August when we start school again. This is my dream for all the students of C.I.C.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Article about Koalas

Koalas are cute and have a fluffy fur. They come from Australia. Most of the people get attracted by them because they are small and very cute. The majority of the people don't think the Koala is an interesting animal because they think the only thing they do is chew leaves, sit, sleep most of the time, and not do much. But the Koala is a very interesting animal and it is very complex. The Koalas are getting extinct in some areas of Australia because they are killed for their fur, and also humans burn the trees and Koalas need the Eucalyptus tree to live. They get injured by the fire. Also one problem is the climate. Because in hot weather the leaves falls and the Koalas need to eat the Eucalyptus's leaves, that is the only thing they eat. Some people are trying to help the Koalas with the climate change thing but they always hide so it is difficult. This is a small summary of an article i read about Koalas. I chose to read an article about koalas because I think they are very interesting and I love them!

Article about Koalas

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Technology and Humanities

This blog is very useful for this class because this page makes our class fun instead of sitting down writing all the time. Its going to change our class because now we are going to be investigating this page and we will write in it and all the world can read it. We are not going to be bored any more.Also some teachers around the world can read our blog and learn some more of what do we do in humanities, and if they like the idea they can teach their class some of what they read!I wish we could watch more videos of things that are happening in the world. I wish people around the world read this and comment in my work and my opinions!!!♥♪